He Has Risen!

We are gathered here this morning to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!    Rejoice this morning as Jesus has risen!


Though just a few hours before Jesus resurrection we find Him being tried of chief priests and elders and council and false witness being brought fourth against Him. WE find these same religious leaders taking Jesus before Pilate to have Him crucified. Pilate had Jesus scrouged or beaten unmercifully and had a crown of thorns placed upon Jesus head. We find that Pilate found no fault in Him and wanted to release Him but the people cried out to have Barabbas released and Jesus crucified. WE see our Lord beaten and bruised, flesh torn open and blood everywhere, we find Him being made to carry His own cross to the place called Golgotha that is to say, a place of a skull. There they placed 3 nails into our Lord and Savior Jesus. One in each hand and the 3rd into His feet. They raised Him for all the world to see and the religious leaders walked by and mocked Him, He saved others, himself he cannot save, If He be the King of Israel let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe. Mocking our Lord! Jesus says it is finished and yields up the ghost.